Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Dragon Essay - 871 Words

Prolouge Long ago there was a single mountain. It was a dark and brisk mountain, with no joy. No, for joy was a hard thing to come by in those days. For those were the days of dragons. For where there are dragons, there is fire. Where there was dragons fire there was always sorrow. Man lived in fear of total annihilation by the the dragons and the armies of darkness they created. On that mountain the most fearsome of the dragons made his home. He was Cantorok the Golden Blaze. All feared his name. And his reign was absolute. But, in those days the Ket were also plentiful. The Ket were a race of spellcasters and they were worked hard on finding a way of stopping the dark dragons of the cold north. But they did not want to destroy the†¦show more content†¦As it grew it soon developed its natural weapons. By a time not very long, it was ready for the deciding battle. His father was enraged at the knowing of his sons kidnapping. But thought as a dragon did that the egg would not hatch fo r another decade. But Cantorok was mistaken, for on the brightest day his son was flying for him and as Galoplex arrived at his father’s mountain, he was unstoppable. He killed all other dragons in his path to victory letting no dragon raise the alarm. Blasting the final guard’s head off with a line of fire so hot, it it could melt diamond into potato chips. Galoplex approached his father’s quarters and ripping the doors of its hinges. Inside Cantorok was ripe with anger and attacked the white dragon. But Galoplex was ready, aware of his father’s gruesome ways, and threw him off into a wall and sending him through it. Cantorok flew directly back at his son his mouth open ready to blast a jet of flame. Galoplex caught his father by the jaws and threw him to the floor his hind legs digging into the fallen dragons chest. He let go of Cantorok’s jaw and said with a voice of pure control, â€Å"Leave this mountain and leave this land, never come back!† But Cantorok had too much pride to do so and took his aim at his son’s chest. Galoplex felt his father’s throat warm up and as soon as Cantorok opened his mouth Galoplex shot a beam of fire straight into Cantorok’s mouth instantly tearing through the roof ofShow MoreRelated Dragons Essay2578 Words   |  11 PagesDragons What’s the first thing people think when they hear the word â€Å"dragon?† Most Americans and Europeans probably envision a huge scaly green beast, one that sits on a hoard of golden treasures and breathes fire. Asians are more likely to think of a benevolent snake-like creature, one that controls rains and rivers. And some people will think of the dragons in movies, or in books, which come in innumerable shapes, sizes, and dispositions. 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