Friday, May 22, 2020

The Impact of a Volcano

The Impact of a VolcanoIn the recent research of how do volcanoes affect humans and the environment, the impact that a volcano can have on humans is very complex. The volcanic eruption itself would cause an explosion and the shockwave would travel through the atmosphere. This shockwave would carry a high pressure gas such as sulfur or nitric acid that would form clouds that would then disperse the sulfur gas causing massive damage to crops, forest, and plant life.As this cloud particles fall and eventually settle down they would scatter light causing light to be reflected in rain forests and other areas with dark soils. The only place where this will happen and is not a negative thing is when the rain forest absorbs the sulfur, it would absorb this and not release it as the cloud would scatter it. As the plant absorbs the sulfur, it will contain an alkaline solution in the soil that would attract bacteria which is actually beneficial to plants.The amount of the sulfur in the soil wil l determine how much of it gets absorbed into the ground and if enough gets absorbed it will start to decrease the pH of the soil. If this happens, it could cause the water table to drop in certain areas that are near the volcanic area. This could cause flooding in some cases but because of the process by which the plant absorbs the sulfur, this is actually good for the soil, which means the water table will not drop significantly.If the amount of sulfur in the soil is low enough for plants to absorb it they will absorb the alkaline solution from the soil into the leaves and buds of the plants and warm-blooded animals that live in the area will be affected negatively because their bodies have an acidity level. This can cause diseases to spread from one area to another or even worse, an effect on the animals that live on the volcanic eruption site. If enough of the sulfur is absorbed and enough animals suffer, then eventually the volcanic area will erupt again causing further damage to the land and to the plants and animals.How do volcanoes affect humans and the environment will vary by region and also by time. Depending on the area of the world that you live in will determine the severity of the effects of the eruption. In many areas, like California and Washington, for example, a volcanic eruption does not cause too much damage.In other regions of the world like Alaska and Hawaii and the United States, however, a volcanic eruption is like a 'hot spot' and caused a 'brownout' for thousands of miles around the globe. Some volcanoes can actually change the climate for several thousand years and even more so in certain areas. For example, the Alaska Volcano is like a hot spot in Alaska and this resulted in the biggest extinction of animals in the history of mankind.However, there are also other factors involved that would affect a specific area and a certain climate in that area. For example, a certain time of year is crucial because during the spring, the ice ha s melted, which can affect rainfall patterns. Knowing the exact date of the eruption will determine if it will cause significant damage and if so, how much damage.The answers to how do volcanoes affect humans and the environment have been provided by many studies in the field. Many have taken part in these studies and the results show that there is some truth to what the scientists say. It is important to realize that it is not the same everywhere and if it does happen in your area, just be prepared for what is to come.

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